Application Process

Step 1

The first step in processing your application is to determine whether or not it is complete.Your application will go through an initial review process by the Commission staff.

  • If your application is deemed complete by Distribution Program staff the review process for your application will commence.
  • If your application is incomplete, it may be necessary to contact you to gather additional information, which may delay this process. Your application will not be forwarded to the Distribution Committee until it is complete.

Step 2

Following this initial review your application will be forwarded to our Distribution Committee, which is responsible for reviewing the applications and making recommendations for funding to the Commission.

Step 3

Once the Distribution Committee review is complete the Commission will meet to vote to adopt/not adopt the recommendations made by the Committee. If your application is complete, we anticipate that this process will take approximately eight weeks or more from the date of receipt of your application. There may be a waiting list for grants at any time, please check with your application assistant.

Step 4

The final step of the process is for the Commission to send their recommendations for funding to the Governor's Office for final approval. This is required by our legislation. We anticipate that this step of the process will take an additional two weeks (or more). If the Commission receives approval from the Governor, we will send a letter to you indicating the Commission's determination regarding an award from the Trust Fund.